Honeywell has been a long term supporter of Team Army with its variety of highly specialised products ranging from angling line, to yacht rope and active ear protection. Honeywell has produced many hundreds of metres of rope for Army sailing and this is now the 3rd year that ear protection has been given to the Army Rifle Association. We are extremely grateful for their valuable contribution and generosity which benefits sport.

At an extremely wet day at Bisley, during the Forces championships, it was fitting that Charles Exton, Honeywell’s senior account manager for Northern Europe, dealing with packaging and composites, along with John Goucher from Honeywell’s Safety Products division ceremoniously handed over a token section of rope and ear defenders.  A great example of supporting Team Army and our armed forces.

bISLEY 1bisley 2Charles Exton (with rope) and John Goucher (with ear protection) presenting to Maj Gen Lamont Kirkland CBE, CEO Team Army.

bisley 3

John Goucher presenting ear protection to Col Phil White, Commandant SASC