In positively spring-like weather the battle for glory in the Infantry Football cup was played out at the military Stadium in Aldershot last Saturday. The Reserve finalists in the morning brought victory for 4 LANCS over 3 R WELSH whilst the regulars saw 1 SCOTS GDS beat 5 RIFLES 3-2 in extra time. Both fixtures have been re-designated to honour famous WW1, football-playing heroes with the Reserves Cup becoming the Bernard Vann VC Memorial Challenge Cup and the Regulars; the Walter Tull Memorial Challenge Cup. Both families were represented by their decedents which was all the more poignant given the centenary year since the end of the war.
An excellent match played in the warm sunshine and generously sponsored by Qioptiq who have sponsored the wider infantry sport since first joining Team Army and this fixture since the re-designation some 3 years ago. Peter White, the President of the company based in Wales travelled to Aldershot and was even awarded an honorary Infantry Colours tie! (Image to right is Peter presenting the Cup to the winning team.)

Peter White and the Great Grandnephew of Walter Tull with the team