The Armed Forces Rally Team, with their iconic white Landrovers (Romeos) continue to be a super successful tri-service team of motor enthusiasts, competing in all forms of national and some international rally events. Their presence is always warmly greeted and respected by the rallying fraternity and despite the humble Landrover origins they are both successful and present a very credible challenge to many more traditional rally entries. The team owes alopt to the long-term, dedicated petrol-head, core triumvirate of Steve Partridge, Alan Paramore and James Sunderland to make it the entity it is today.

Saturday saw the awards for the 2019 season which was again hugely successful and a chance to celebrate the successes but also an opportunity to recognise and thank the very generous support received from sponsors.

Team Ethos has always been a supporter of this group and over the years have brought a number of sponsors to the show, none more so than CARWOOD. Based in Coventry, a supplier of automotive parts, master in re-manufacturing and an important defence partner, with motorsport seemingly in their DNA, they have provided unwavering maintenance and financial support over the last few years. It was tremendous to see them represented at the annual awards on Saturday and we hope this relation ship will continue to grow.

With the 2020 season soon to lift off in earnest we wish the team good fortune and if you are fortunate to be at the Festival of Speed in the summer you can visit the team and see them race on the rally circuit.

Looking forward to a successful 2020 and a special thanks to CARWOOD for their support that allows the opportunity for men and women of all three services to work as a team and indulge a passion.