Revision Sight, Bose Sound and the Plain’s blue skies!

t-3Soldiers amongst us will be more than familiar with cold, dank windy days on Salisbury Plain whilst hunkered down on some exercise or other; not enviable! So imagine the extreme delight of the Parachuting fraternity, in the last few days of August, being able to indulge at the Army’s championships in blue, still, warm skies. It was a fantastic spectacle as the event reached its climax, culminating in a demonstration jump by the Army’s Red Devils display team and prizes for many of the unit teams and individuals that competed for glory.

Revision Defence was the headline sponsor and Rob Murley from the company took to the skies and bravely completed a tandem jump. This was only eclipsed by the President of Army Sport Parachuting, Lt Gen Sir John Lorimer donning a red jump suit and jumping with the Red Devils — also in a tandem.

It was such nice weather that the prize giving actually took place outside (almost unheard of I am told) and so with the backdrop of the two aircraft at the Centre it was time to share out the silverware. Not only did Revision provide advanced eye protection for a number of the winners but thanks to Bose, who so generously support Team Army and what we do, the inclusion of a set of Bose in-ear sports headphones was a fantastic bonus.

Well done Jackie Harper and the APA and a huge thank you to Revision and Bose.



Newsreel image – The youngest competitor, winning the Highest Placed Cadet Award, 16 year-old Cpl Michael Bayada receives his glasses and Bose headset from Maj Gen Lamont Kirkland watched over by the Lt Gen Sir John Lorimer and Maj Gen Shaun Burley

Top – The REME  Team receive the Royal Corps of Transport Cup for the highest placed corps team and Bose headphones from Team Army CEO, Maj Gen Lamont Kirkland

Above left – Peter Rafferty of Revision Defence hands out the goodies and the Soldier Magazine Cup to the highest place AFPC competitor Maj Tony Lock

Above right – Lt Gen Sir John Lorimer is ‘inspected’ by the Director of the Army Sport Control Board, Maj Gen Shaun Burley in the jumper’s line-up!