Team Forces is proud to have supported the HMS Oardacious Valkyries who successfully completed their 3,000 mile row across the Atlantic Ocean becoming the first ever all women Royal Navy team to row across any ocean. They completed the famous World’s Toughest Row in 46 days, 12 hours and 26 minutes!

This team of Oarsome women rowed in shifts of 2 hours on 2 hours off, all day every day for over 46 days covering 3,000 miles from San Sebastien de la Gomera (Canary Islands) to Nelson’s Dockyard (Antigua). They faced 40 foot waves, salt sores, sleep deprivation and sea sickness all whilst dealing with the emotions of being away from their loved ones over Christmas.

As an unsupported crossing, their boat ‘Captain Jim’ was completely self-sufficient, stocked with food to last up to 55 days (5,000 calories per rower per day) and equipped with solar panels providing power to two batteries which supply all the essential equipment (including the all-important water maker – a mini reverse osmosis plant which makes fresh water from seawater).

One of the HMS Oardacious key objectives was to raise awareness and discuss the importance of recognising mental health and wellbeing in ourselves, our families, colleagues, and all those we meet. Working with the Royal Navy and Royal Marines charity the campaign has currently helped raise over £200,000 for Submariners and their families and this year we are looking to increase efforts wider across communities in the UK.

As a collective, they have represented the Fleet Air Arm, Surface Fleet and Submarine Service on countless operations both in the UK and overseas and aim to promote and encourage young women into traditionally underrepresented roles, both in and out of the Royal Navy.

The Valkyrie crew:

Lt Izzy Rawlinson (Skipper) –Marine Engineering Officer
Lt Ali Aindow – Mine Clearance Diver
PO Aaby Aldridge – Survival Equipment Technician
Lt Cdr Nic Hall – Warfare Officer

@hmsoardacious /

This was the fourth time a team of submariners took on the World’s Toughest Row under the banner of HMS Oardacious which raises funds for mental health, wellbeing and resilience projects in the submarine community.

You can still support the team by donating at:  JUST GIVING – HMS ORADACIOUS VALKYRIES.  Every penny raised will help support submariners and their families with Mental Health and wellbeing initiatives.

Photographs credited to @WORLD’S TOUGHEST ROW